Salon Series 2016-2017

The cornerstone of TACT’s programming and the exclusive domain of our Subscribing Members, the Salon Series brings you four plays in fully rehearsed, script-in-hand presentations in the distinctive TACT style.

It’s Academic: TACT’s exclusive Salon Series heads back to school in 2016/17 with four fascinating plays set in the world of education. From an impoverished Welsh coal mining village in the late 19th century to a tony Vermont University in the 1980’s, issues facing teachers, students, and administrators will challenge, excite, and motivate passionate debate onstage and off, as well as being funny, moving and inspiring. The Salons next season will be presented in November, December, January and April.

Quartmaine's Terms by Simon Gray
The Corn is Green by Emlyn Williams
Spinning into Butter by Rebecca Gillman
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Jay Presson Allen

QUARTERMAINE’S TERMS2016-17-Salon-1-Tile

by Simon Gray

Saturday, November 12: 3 & 7:30 PM
Sunday, November 13: 3 PM
Monday, November 14: 7:30 PM
Tuesday, November 15: 7:30PM

TACT Studio
900 Broadway, Suite 905
New York, NY 10003

TACT Subscribers call 212-560-2184 for reservations.


The faculty lounge of a Cambridge school for teaching English to foreigners is the setting for this ironic, biting study of loneliness, loss and the terrible cost of the famous British emotional reserve. Simon Gray’s masterpiece is hilarious, tragic and unforgettable.

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